Why You Should Upgrade Your Business to Google Analytics 4?

Web analytics is an important tool for growing your business website since it gives you information about your site visitors and can also show you what they are doing on your website. There is an array of web analytics tools available to track your website data, but among them all, Google Analytics is the most popular and free version that you can use. This guide helps to answer why you should upgrade your business to Google Analytics (GA4). Have a look!

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that provides real-time statistics about website traffic and site visitors. This web analytics application was launched on November 14, 2005. It is an important digital analytics software as it can help you understand how well you’re doing online. Using Google Analytics tracking and reporting tools, you can make the most out of visitors and possibly turn them into customers.

Google Analytics for Beginners explains everything from scratch like how to create an account, add tracking code, set up data filters in Google Analytics, etc. In addition, you will also get to learn how to use Google Analytics’ interface, as well as how to make reports and create dashboards.

Now, let’s know how to set up your Google Analytics.

  • First, you have to create an Analytics account by visiting “google.com/analytics”. Then, to create an account, click the tab “Get started today”. Else, click “Sign in to Analytics” if you already have a Google Analytics account.

  • After that, you can set up analytics on your website and/or mobile app.

What is Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of the Google Analytics platform. It was rolled out in October 2022 and it replaces Universal Analytics (UA) as the default for digital analytics measurement in GA. Google analytics for digital agencies is a vital tool to carry out their digital marketing campaigns efficiently.

It is undoubtedly the most crucial update in the 15-year history of GA. This new iteration of Google Analytics is the culmination of years of hard work by Google, and it will continue to be improved in the months and years to come. It is required to upgrade to this latest version if you are currently using Universal Analytics. Because all the previous versions of GA will officially stop processing data from next year.

Benefits of Google Analytics 4

GA4 is more advanced than Universal Analytics and it follows an event-based architecture. This web analytics service can significantly enhance the online presence of your business. The following are some important benefits of using GA4.

Provide better user engagement metrics

More positive data about user engagement can be seen in GA4. Its engagement metrics allow you to track how visitors engage on your website pages and app screens. And you can quickly track the most popular pages and screens, as well as easily understand user behavior through events.

Easier tracking

GA4 eliminates the need to manually set up various tracking elements by pre-creating many actions and events. It implies that you can track multiple events and Google Analytics conversions without having to know how to create and edit them. This also means that you won’t have to set up cross-domain measuring code, custom goals, or anything else.

You can check user demographics

It means you’ll be able to identify where your users are from geographically as well as the type of device they use to access your site predominantly, viz., desktop, tablet, or mobile device. You will also be able to see whether visitors visit your site on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

GA4 offers a platform for both mobile applications and websites

Unlike Universal Analytics (UA), GA4 allows you to track a website or app, or even both a website and an app at the same time. It has a single interface that allows both Web and App reporting. Thus, combining data from a website and an app in the same Google analytics interface can save you time.

GA4 can provide better ROI

At GA4, you can see far more reliable data in terms of ROI on ad spend, thanks to its advanced user tracking devices and platforms. It means you can accurately plan your ad span by getting more accurate user data and insights.

Final Words

Google Analytics 4 is an exhilarating new update with many advanced integrated features, so you won’t have to miss out on that. We hope this Google Analytics guide has helped you to understand the significance of using GA4 for your business.


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